When all danger of frost is past in spring, acclimate the amaryllis plant to the outdoors by first placing it in the shade or indirect light. It will continue to grow long, smooth leaves. The diameter of the pot should be about 1 inch wider than the widest part of the bulb and twice as tall as the bulb to allow space for good root development. A popular indoor plant in the winter and spring is the amaryllis, with large lily-shaped flowers on tall stems. Remember to protect tabletops from moisture or water damage by placing potted amaryllis on pot saucers or plates set on a waterproof coaster or cork pad. Water sparingly until growth begins. If the bulb does not produce a flowering stalk in the next blooming period, it is likely that has not stored enough nutrients during the post-blooming period. Red spots or blotches that develop into elongated cankers with red borders may develop on the base of the flower stalks and emerging leaves. Do not water during this time. It's amazing how easy it is to achieve spectacular results! Amaryllis plants grow better in containers, which also protect against burrowing animals and insects. The plant blooms once per year on a tall stem. This will help build up nutrients in the bulb for flower production the next year. Plants that are outdoors should be brought indoors in mid-September. Amaryllis grow best in narrow containers. Containers may be made of plastic, metal, ceramic or terracotta. When the flower stalk appears, care for the plant in the same manner as you did during the last blooming season. Some individuals discard the amaryllis after flowering. The soil is evenly moist but not wet. Potted amaryllis bulbs can be found in many stores in December, or in mail-order catalogs. The trumpet-shaped blooms grow up to six inches across, and several flowers often appear in succession. Water and fertilize as noted above in. Our Amaryllis bulbs ordered online arrive either bareroot which you can plant into your own pots, as part of kits that can be assembled at home, or pre-potted in baskets and a wide range of pots and cachepots, depending on the variety. Gradually move the container to a location or garden bed where it will receive full sun for at least 6 hours daily. A: If you want to keep the bulbs fully protected and plant them outdoors next spring, bring them indoors, remove the leaves and store in a cool spot. Amaryllis Care Instructions. may lay its eggs in the bulbs of amaryllis plants that are placed outdoors for the summer. ; When the leaves start to appear, you should add a liquid feed to the water, such as Miracle-Gro, once a week.This is an essential step if you want your amaryllis to flower again the next year. There is no need to replant the bulb until it has actually outgrown the pot. The bulb should sit up above the edge of the container. Bulb arrives in the first stages of growth. All of our gifts include FREE SHIPPING and a Personalized Gift Message (entered at checkout). Potted Amaryllis For a gift that is sure to impress, please see our selection of Potted Amaryllis Featuring some yearly favorites and many exciting new choices, including many holiday themed containers ideal for holiday gift giving. This process will force the plant to bloom providing the bulb has sufficient energy to produce a flower stalk. Add more soil, tapping it down around the bulb, until one-third to one-half of the bulb remains visible. Mary Meyer, Extension horticulturalist and Julie Weisenhorn, Extension educator. You can keep the pots indoors, or set … 1. These numbers represent the percentage of each of three important macronutrients for plant growth: N (nitrogen) – P (phosphorous) – K (potassium). It's usually available in bulb or plant form. Native to Africa, the genus Amaryllis comes from the Greek word amarysso, which means "to sparkle." Ongoing Care for Amaryllis After flowering, cut back the flower stems to 2 inches high but don't remove the leaves. The pot should drain the water quickly so that the bulb does not rot in the pot. See more “post-bloom” tips below. Let the leaves become brown and dry before cutting them off. Select a sunny location on a deck or patio for your potted amaryllis, or just sink the entire pot into the soil in a sunny garden bed. If you’re new to amaryllis or are buying it as a gift, look for pre-potted bulbs that already have a flower bud sprouting. Q: My amaryllis bulbs are growing well outside. As a potted bulb and a source for cut flowers, the amaryllis is a versatile choice for sprucing up your home year-round. Amaryllis Care. tall (45-60 cm). Water the plant when the top 2 inches of soil feels dry, allowing the container to drain freely each time. Amaryllis bulbs are available about 6 to 8 weeks before the bloom is ready to grow, and they need a constant temperature of 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep plant in bright light – until flower opens. Some sources say that the bulb should not be watered again until it begins to sprout. You can plant the bulb in a sunny location or set the entire pot into a hole in the flower bed. A window with a southern exposure is the best choice. Select the largest bulbs available for the desired plant variety as they will produce more stalks and blooms in the first year. © The exterior of the bulb may appear normal but will reveal rotting tissue when pressed. After flowering, the stalk is cut back to the top of the bulb. After the flowers fade, cut off the flower stalk with a sharp knife. This will eventually grow into a new bulb and can be removed and planted separately. Of course, many people choose to continue growing the plant indoors, but it may come as a pleasant surprise to know that in warmer climes, up to USDA Zone 7b, planting amaryllis outside in the garden is an option too. Seed formation will deplete important energy reserves in the bulb and reduce blooming. The leaves may become distorted and the flower stalks may break easily making the plants unsightly. Once you see the bud you can start being a little more generous with the water. It is important that the temperature remain at 50 to 55 degrees to simulate the natural growing conditions of the amaryllis bulb. It is grown as a potted plant in most parts of the United States but can also be grown outdoors year round in Florida. Wipe pruners and stakes used on infected plants with alcohol. You can care for amaryllis flowers in garden beds or in household pots, planting in spring or fall. Amaryllis bulbs come in various sizes. They add dramatic color to homes and gardens and make wonderful gifts to gardeners from beginners to experts. Continue to fertilize monthly with an all-purpose houseplant or indoor plant fertilizer. If the bulb is not already potted when purchased, one should choose a pot about half-again as wide as the bulb. Some bulbs may have an offshoot growing from its base. These plants do well anywhere in South Florida, growing about 2 feet tall overall (flower stalks can add another 8 to 12 inches of height). Larger bulbs produce more flowers. And it's a perfect flower to give on Christmas to relatives or your boss. The temperature should be around 50-60 degrees. The amaryllis needs to be watered weekly and fed monthly so that the bulb grows and collects nutrients for re-blooming in the winter. Once the risk of frost has passed in the spring, move your amaryllis outside f… The best time to repot them is after they have gone through a dormant period. Why Is My Amaryllis Making Leaves & No Flowers? Bulbs should be firm and dry with no signs of mold, decay or injury. Once the plant blooms, the flower fades quickly in the heat. The temperature should be around 50-60 degrees. The fleshy layers of the bulb underneath these patches should be white and free of markings. Continue to water and fertilize the plant regularly with an all-purpose houseplant plant fertilizer. How to Care for a Potted Amaryllis. Regents of the University of Minnesota. Each flower lasts about 2 weeks but several flowers often appear in succession. If new growth appears during this time, remove the potted bulb from the dark location and place in a sunny window. Poorly drained soil or soil that is constantly wet (overwatered) may also attract fungus gnats, a type of fruit fly. The maggot larvae feed in the outer scales of the bulb and eventually work their way into the interior of the bulb. Allow to drain completely. Amaryllis gifts that come with a gift bag also include the largest bulbs commercially available. Heavy pots are preferable because lightweight pots may tip over under the weight of the blooms. Carefully inspect amaryllis bulbs before purchasing and do not purchase damaged bulbs or bulbs with cankers. After the flowers have faded, cut them off to prevent seed formation. Leave the potted bulb in the dark for 8 to 12 weeks. In order to bloom again, the amaryllis needs proper care in fall. A quick turn of the pot keeps the stem straight as it grows. Plant the bulb, pointed-end-up, in potting mix. The leaves may flop over when the plant is first moved outside, but with proper care new, more upright leaves should grow. Their cultivars belong to the Double Galaxy group. Flowers usually develop in about 4 to 6 weeks from dormant bulbs. They will not survive frost or freezing temperatures. A few tips for keeping amaryllis happy! Amaryllis belladonna – better known as Naked Ladies – are native to South Africa. Watering & Sunlight Needs of an Amaryllis Plant, Purdue University Agriculture Department: Amaryllis -- Reblooming, Amaryllis Bulb Company: Amaryllis Planting and Care, Clemson University Cooperative Extension: Amaryllis. Red blotch (Stagonospora curtissi) is a fungus disease that may affect both the appearance and the health of amaryllis plants. Amaryllis plants should be brought indoors before the first frost in the fall. The bloom is prolonged if the pot is moved to a cooler area. Water when the soil at the top of the pot is dry, and apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every 2-4 weeks. A sunny window without drafts works well to spur the bulb into growth. They are becoming a popular holiday gift. The key to successful reflowering is proper care. In this example, the fertilizer contains 10 percent nitrogen, 20 percent phosphorous, and 15 percent potassium. The secret to keeping amaryllis thriving for years is to keep the plants actively growing AFTER they have finished blooming. As long as your bulb remains firm, be patient and take care not to overwater. Blooms … Others keep the plant from year to year. Grow the amaryllis as a foliage plant through the spring and summer until the leaves turn yellow. This is an easy care plant - it doesn't like to be fussed over. The large bell-shaped or lily-like flowers of the amaryllis (Hippeastrum species) and its hybrids make excellent garden and potted plants.They are available in a wide range of flower colors including red, white, pink, orange, salmon or bicolored and typically have two to six flowers per stalk. It is common to see new growth (leaves, buds) emerging from bare or planted bulbs. If after 8 to 12 weeks, no new growth has appeared, remove the potted bulb from the dark and place in a sunny location. The flower bud often appears before the leaves. So easy to grow, amaryllis bulbs are the perfect go-to gift. Do not remove the flower stalk until it has turned yellow.Â. Typically grown on the West Coast, the bulbs send up or two leafless stems in late summer, each bearing a cluster of two to 12 funnel-shaped flowers, usually white with crimson veins, but … After bringing the potted amaryllis indoors, store the potted plant in a cool, dry, dark location such as a basement or closet. Choose bulbs with bright green new growth and without spots or visible damage. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. They require repotting only every 3 or 4 years. The larger the bulb, the more flowers it will have. Careful inspection when purchasing bulbs accompanied by proper care will prevent most insect infestations as well as diseases. When Does the Lily of the Valley Bloom Outdoors? During this resting period (dormancy), plants use very little of their energy reserves. ARRIVAL: Each bulb arrives pre-planted in a grower's pot nestled in its decorative container. Let the leaves become brown and dry before cutting them off. However, it is possible to save the amaryllis and force it to flower on an annual basis. F. Amaryllis-One of a Kind Of all flowering bulbs, amaryllis ar Brighten your winter home with beautiful amaryllis in vibrant colors. Choosing Amaryllis. An easy care instruction card is included to aid you or your recipient with flowering success. Should I bring them inside now or wait for the yellow leaves like other bulbs? Always store un-planted bulbs in a cool place between 40-50 deg. If found, treat with a fungicide or consider throwing away the bulb. Pack the soil gently around the bulb so approximately one-third of the bulb remains above the soil line. Make sure that at least 1/3 of the bulb is sticking out of the surface of the soil. How to Care for a Blooming Amaryllis. Although there are several insects, mites and diseases that may attack amaryllis plants under greenhouse conditions, they are not as common on amaryllis grown in homes. Once it sprouts, a potted amaryllis should be kept moist but not soggy. Just before the first frost, the leaves should be cut to a height of about 1 inch, and the plant should go in a dark area that has a temperature of 50 to 55 degrees F for 10 to 12 weeks. ... Editor's Tip: Keep amaryllis flowers out of direct sun and in temperatures between 55° and 70° F to help them last longer. Good drainage will minimize the chance of bulb or root rot (rotting from excess moisture). Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb that belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family and is native to South Africa. Extension is expanding its online education and resources to adapt to COVID-19 restrictions. The foliage of infested plants may become wilted, yellow and distorted and the plant will eventually die. Some individuals discard the amaryllis after flowering. 2. Each bulb usually produces 2-3 stems and 4-6 flowers per stem. Hippeastrum spp., commonly known as the amaryllis, is a common holiday plant from the tropics of South America. Amaryllis bulbs are forced indoors for their large, spectacular flowers. She has been writing poetry and short stories for over 30 years, and published a variety of e-books and articles on gardening, small business and farming. Leave the potted bulb in the dark for … Set the pot in a sink where it can drain freely and water until the potting soil is thoroughly moist. These leaves will promote photosynthesis. University of Minnesota Extension discovers science-based solutions, delivers practical education, and engages Minnesotans to build a better future. An actively growing plant will require frequent watering and fertilization. How to Move Narcissus Bulbs From Inside to Outside, I Moved My Hyacinth Outside & It's Losing Leaves and Not Blooming. Set the bulb in the pot so the roots rest on the potting soil. Select a container that has one or more holes in the bottom and drains easily. Amaryllis is a subtropical bulb native to South Africa with large showy flowers that range in color from white to pinks, oranges and reds. AMARYLLIS: YEAR-ROUND CARE. But bloom time can be controlled by allowing the bulb go dormant (stop growing) for a period of time. Because the amaryllis produces such brilliantly-colored flowers, many people put them in their homes in the winter. What to do: Because control is difficult, it is best to destroy any infested bulbs as soon as the narcissus bulb fly is identified. If the disease persists, the bulbs may be treated with a systemic fungicide. Amaryllis Care Instructions for the First Flowering. While the most popular colors are red and white, flowers may also be pink, salmon, apricot, rose or deep burgundy. Whether the first bulb or the fiftieth, there is high anticipation for the plant owner when the large, bright green bud emerges from a beefy amaryllis bulb! It is grown here in Florida as a potted plant, growing well indoors, or it … Amaryllis flowers range from 4 to 10 inches in size and can be either single or double in form. When the stem emerges from the bulb, it needs water once a week. How to Care for a Potted Amaryllis Amaryllis bulbs are often given as gifts for the holidays, later producing their large, spectacular flowers to brighten the recipient's home or office. Bulbs were brought to Europe in the 1700s and have been known to bloom for up to 75 years. Do not let the plant sit in water as wet soil can promote bulb and root rot and attract pests. Bulbs should be firm and dry with no signs of mold, decay or injury. However, the amaryllis bulbs we commonly purchase and grow as houseplants are hybrids of the genus Hippeastrum and are native to Central and South America. Amaryllis is as popular a holiday gift plant as poinsettia and Christmas cactus.Once the attractive blooms fade, though, we’re left wondering what to do next. Plant specs. Mix and match from our selection of longtime favorites and new varieties, all ready to burst into bloom. All rights reserved. Fertilizer packaging always provides an analysis shown in three numbers such as 10-20-15. Approximately 6 to 8 weeks prior to blooming, place the plant in a bright, warm location. They're slow growers that do best in … Whether purchasing a bare bulb to plant or bulbs planted in a pot, the size and condition of bulbs will influence amaryllis performance. The flower stalk may need support from a bamboo cane so the flower does not make the stem collapse. After a period of dormancy, handle your amaryllis properly for another season of blooms. Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) plants are typically purchased around the Christmas holiday and discarded after the blooms have withered, but if the proper steps are taken they can continue to bloom for many years. It is not necessary to remove the amaryllis from the pot. Move the plant out of direct sunlight when the flower buds have begun to open. Water and fertilize as noted above in After-flowering care.Â. Like the Christmas cactus, another favorite, this tropical beauty thrives indoors with minimal care and flaunts spectacular long-lasting winter flowers. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Fill the pot about half full with sterile, new potting soil high in organic matter such as peat moss. Flowering time is 7-10 weeks. 7 Small But Impactful Ways to Fit Self-Care Into Your Day Right Now Staying atop of your wellbeing is a must, especially during uncertain, stressful times. A green stem will continue to promote photosynthesis, which creates energy that is stored in the bulb for future leaf growth and flowers. 3. After bringing the potted amaryllis indoors, store the potted plant in a cool, dry, dark location such as a basement or closet. The disease is often difficult to diagnose because superficial small red or pink patches may appear on the outside of healthy bulbs. Fertilize amaryllis each time you water at half the recommended strength when new growth is visible (including on newly purchased bulbs). Amaryllis plants bloom best when they grow in a container with little extra space (potbound). Watering : Potted Amaryllis need only a thorough watering with lukewarm water to begin growing. In the former case, they are used as specimen plants or border plants. Buy healthy bulbs. In some cases, Amaryllis bulbs are planted in greenhouses to meet the plant requirements. Soggy soil can suffocate the roots of a plant. These dramatic Amaryllis tend to grow up to 18-24 in. The Amaryllis plant, or Hippeastrum, is a tropical flower that is native to South Africa. PLACEMENT: Direct sunlight (65-75°F). How Often Should You Water an Apple Blossom Amaryllis? Amaryllis plants, due to their large flowers and ease of plantation, are a preferable choice for gardening. The plant benefits from time spent outdoors after any danger of frost has passed. Usually, one or more flower stalks appear first, but occasionally they are preceded by leaves. The bulbs can be planted either way, as garden plants or potted plants. Trim off any dead leaves. Growing them directly in the soil is possible, but will be more difficult. BLOOM TIME: 6-12 weeks, depending on variety. To promote blooming, use a houseplant fertilizer with a high phosphorus content. Planted either way, as a potted amaryllis well and place it in a ''. To COVID-19 restrictions mix and match from our selection of longtime favorites and new varieties, all to! 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