The last days are upon us; the second coming of the Lord Jesus draws near; the danger of worldliness is yearly increasing in the church. — all teach the same solemn truth. . There are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than that which heads this page. You have seen the history of Lot's wife — her privileges, her sin and her end. Even to them He says, "Remember Lot's wife! Where is the decided line of separation which they once observed? Sermon after sermon sounds in their ears. b. Beware of a half-hearted religion! They must go to their own place — and that place is Hell. I ask the members of evangelical congregations in the present day to mark well what I am saying. Alas, many do so! Use the buttons below to get details on the Greek word and view related Bible verses that use the same root word. We saw the pillars of salt. Luke, because he is a physician, emphasizes the healing ministry of Jesus, whereas Mark emphasizes the teaching ministry of Jesus. Yet this was the end of Lot's wife. You cannot live always; there must be an end one day. I do not wonder. ", i. Such was the end of Lot's wife. But they all sinned with a high hand against light and knowledge — and they were all suddenly destroyed without remedy. But, alas, how often after "beginning in the Spirit" — they end "in the flesh" and, like Samson, are shorn of their strength in the lap of that Delilah — the world! Little by little, they fall away and lose their first love. No, He singles out one whose soul was lost forever. Believe me, the question is not one in which we are obliged to fall back on the theories and inventions of man. It is not to be ranked with mysterious problems, like the meaning of Ezekiel's temple or the symbols of Revelation. Follow either of the two large buttons below to see these verses in their broader context of the King James Bible or a Bible concordance. e. How many clergymen work hard in their profession for a few years — and then become lazy and indolent, from the love of this present world! .none seemed so much alive in religion as they were;none were so diligent in their attendance on the means of grace;none were so anxious to promote the cause of the gospel;none so ready for every good work;none were so thankful for spiritual instruction;none were apparently so desirous to grow in grace. They tell us, like Lot's wife . A miracle was wrought to execute God's judgment on this guilty woman. It is saddest of all to observe how many flatter themselves that it is all right with their souls — when it is all wrong, by reason of this love of the world. Give diligence to make your calling and election sure. I wish everyone to do his real duty in that state of life to which he is called. If you are such a one, I say to you this day, "Take heed! None of us are perfect; God will never require it." I have often been told that "broad" views are needed in the present day. Nothing so hardens the heart of man — as a barren familiarity with sacred things! But there is always some darling evil habit which they cannot tear from their heart. Remember Lot's wife. It is good to be reminded that God can punish sharply, those who sin willfully; and that great privileges misused, bring down great wrath on the soul. If words mean anything, there is such a place as Hell. She seemed at one time in the road to safety — but even then the lowest and deepest thoughts of her heart were for the world. Genesis 19:26 (26) But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Once more, I say, these were no small privileges. We have spoken of mercy — but not of judgment; we have preached many sermons about Heaven — but few about Hell; we have been carried away by the wretched fear of being thought "low, vulgar and fanatical." He cries, "Remember Lot's wife!". A religion they have indeed — but it is living religion no more. 21:32). You must have . ", g. Are you trusting to your religious knowledge? The knowledge of God was confined to a few favored families; the greater part of the inhabitants of the world were living in darkness, ignorance, superstition and sin. God knows that I never speak of Hell without pain and sorrow. 77 times: Lit., “seventy times seven.”This Greek expression can be understood to mean either “70 and 7” (77 times) or “70 multiplied by 7” (490 times). by Scott Christensen. Let us value religious privileges — but let us not rest entirely upon them. If you are such a one, I say to you this day, "Take heed! They began with Jacob and David and Peter — and they are likely to end with Esau and Saul and Judas Iscariot. ", It is a solemn warning, when we think of the people to whom it was first given. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him: When someone sins against you, you s… What is the use of hiding eternal punishment from the impenitent and the ungodly? Most importantly, how can we apply these lessons in our lives? He speaks as if we were all in danger of forgetting the subject; He stirs up our lazy memories; He bids us keep the case before our minds. Popularity relative to other verses in Luke chapter 17 using average monthly Google searches. Talk to them, and you will find no response about spiritual things. Their congregations are well looked after; cottage lectures, prayer meetings, house-to-house visitation are their weekly delight. It is a privilege. The Scripture describes the end of Lot's wife in few and simple words. Luke 17:31-32 In Genesis 19, angels literally pull Lot and some of his family out of Sodom before it is destroyed. They look back. Settle it firmly in your mind, that the same Bible which teaches that God in mercy and compassion sent Christ to die for sinners, does also teach that God hates sin and must, from His very nature, punish all who cleave to sin, or refuse the salvation He has provided. They keep clear of all gross profligacy or open breach of God's law — but they are painfully careless about little inconsistencies, and painfully ready to make excuses for them. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.” a. Comp. d. How many members in our churches were at one time zealous and earnest professors — and have now become torpid, formal and cold! False History of Creationism is Full of Beans, Your People Must Know Jesus: Strategies for Teaching Christology in the Local Church, The Catholic Puritan: John Owen on Eternal Generation, The Bulwark of Trinitarian Theology: Eternal Generation: What it is and what it is not, The Radiance of the Father: The Nicene Creed and the Incarnation, Begotten, Not Made: Eternal generation, the orthodox way to speak of the Son’s perfect life. ", It is a solemn warning, when we think of the person that Jesus names. Up to this time of their life, their conduct in religious matters is all that could be desired. They went with all their sins upon them, unpardoned, unrenewed and utterly unfit for Heaven. I want no reader of this message to become a hermit, a monk or a nun. a. Are you trusting that you will have a deathbed repentance? A leaven of worldliness begins to appear in their habits, dress, entertainments and employment of time! Let me address the reader particularly here, so I may impress a few salient questions upon your conscience. They live like the men of Sodom and the men of Noah's day: they eat and drink and plant and build and marry and behave — as if Christ was never going to return. c. Settle it firmly in your mind, that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has spoken most plainly about the reality and eternity of Hell. Oh, better a million times be laughed at and thought extreme in this world — than go down to Hell from the midst of the congregation, and end like Lot's wife! Alas, many do! day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his, stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return, And I will execute great vengeance upon them, love the Lord your God with all your heart, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, To exercise memory, i.e., recollect; by implication, to punish; also to rehearse. Alas, many are! But, oh, take heed that you do not remain barren and unfruitful in the sunshine of all these privileges; beware lest your heart remains hard, impenitent and worldly, notwithstanding the many advantages you enjoy. Many people in the crowd along the road believed that He was going to Jerusalem in order to establish His earthly kingdom immediately. You go to Mr. A's, or Mr. B's church; you think him an excellent preacher; you delight in his sermons; you cannot hear anyone else with the same comfort; you have learned many things since you attended his ministry; you consider it a great privilege to be one of his hearers! All this is very good. A Faithful Version ... who had married his daughters," meaning he had other married daughters who were not virgins. The form of religion which she had was kept up for fashion's sake and not from feeling; it was a cloak worn for the sake of pleasing her company — but not from any sense of its value. A flood of false doctrine has lately broken in upon us. When Melchizedek, king of Salem, came forth to meet Abraham with bread and wine, she was there. Their preaching loses its unction and power; their weekday work becomes less and less; the society they mix in becomes less select; the tone of their conversation becomes more earthly. “Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17:32). Luke 17:32 Context. It is utterly impossible for two to dwell happily together, except they be agreed. Mark their daily conduct, and you will see no zeal about the kingdom of God. It is a great privilege to live in a house where the fear of God reigns. And the Lord Jesus Christ holds her up as a beacon to His church; He says, "Remember Lot's wife! All this may be — and yet you yourself may remain unconverted, and at last be lost forever. Remember Lot's wife. But to die suddenly and in a moment, in the very act of sin, to die in full health and strength, to die by the direct interposition of an angry God — this is fearful indeed. All this, Lot's wife must have seen and known. I dare say this doctrine sounds hard to some readers. b. Her heart was in Sodom, though her body was outside. In this blog post, let us take a deeper look at Luke 19:33 and understand how to remember Lot’s wife. What does this verse really mean? Is our "stuff" bad? They are no longer strict about the company they keep, and the places they visit. Light and knowledge and faithful preaching and abundant means of grace and the company of holy people — are all great blessings and advantages. A little cough in a morning seems an unimportant ailment; but it is often an evidence of failing in the constitution and leads on to decline, consumption and death. Her eye turned to the place where her treasure was — as the compass needle turns to the pole. d. That look was a little thing — but it told of secret love of the world in Lot's wife. : A Book for Young Men and Women (eBook), What the Bible Teaches about Ethnic Harmony, Justification: The Proper Object of Justifying Faith, Critical Race Theory & Intersectionality: The Real Problem, What Christ Expects Of His Church During Times Of Opposition, Identity Hermeneutics: The Obsession with Personal Identity and the Distortion of the Truth. ", h. Are you making some profession of religion — and yet clinging to the world? They cease to be jealous about sound doctrine; they pretend to find out that it is "uncharitable" to think one person has more religion than another; they discover it is "exclusive" to attempt any separation from the customs of society. Truth In A Culture Of Doubt – Is God Immoral Because Of Suffering? Remember Lot's wife. Break off every known sin; come out boldly from the world; cry mightily to God in prayer; cast yourself wholly and unreservedly on the Lord Jesus for time and eternity; lay aside every weight. If you are such a one, I say to you this day, "Take heed! You mean we went to all the trouble of digging this hole in the roof and letting him down just so he could get his sins forgiven? The moment a man begins to think he knows better than God, and that God does not mean anything when He threatens — his soul is in great danger. If you want to keep your life just the way it is, you will lose your life forever. "If any man loves the world — the love of the Father is not in him" (1 John 2:15). That was a hopeless end for a soul to come lo! This aspect of our subject deserves special attention; let us focus our minds and hearts upon it. When Abram first received the promises, it is probable that Lot's wife was there. Will it be the death of the righteous — or will it be a death without hope, like that of Lot's wife? They can repeat texts and hymns in abundance; they have spiritual feelings and convictions of sin; they profess love to the Lord Jesus, and desires after Heaven; they take pleasure in going to church and hearing sermons; they say things which are treasured up by their fond parents as indications of grace; they do things which make relations say, "What manner of child will this be?" ", © 2018 Monergism by CPR Foundation. He taught the Word, and then He proved that what He was saying was true by performing miracles. Well would it be for many professing Christians, if they were more afraid about their souls than they now are! Lot's wife had many privileges; but Lot's wife had no grace! Luke 17:32, KJV: "Remember Lot's wife." I believe it to be the part to which the Lord Jesus particularly intends to direct us. But, alas, how often they prove unstable as water and are ruined by the love of the world! If not, you are at present no better than Lot's wife. And this was the crowning point of her sin. Alas, many are! If you have any religion at all — let your religion be real. You must have grace in your own heart, as well as attend family prayers. Does that sin seem small in the eyes of any reader of this message? Without can not be used by it self, meaning that it has to be minimum one more condition included (all/at least one,etc) all: "fish", without: "bread", will search for verses that contains "fish" but NOT "bread" start: Step by step, they go back from the decided position they once took up. Lenski has called attention to the fact that attempting to parallel the usage of the “eagle” figure in Matthew 24:28, with that of Luke 17:37 —as though they refer to the same event, has led to much “misinterpretation” (The Interpretation of Luke, Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1946, p. 891). Who can tell but thousands might be converted, if ministers would urge them more faithfully to flee from the wrath to come? That was a fearful end for a soul to come lo! Where is the charity of keeping back any portion of God's truth? A crack in an arch seems a little thing; but it proves that the foundation is giving way, and the whole fabric is unsafe. When You Assume the Gospel You Lose the Gospel, Do Not Grow Weary Rejecting Critical Race Theory, The Simplest Way to Understand the Trinity. That says, “I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left. I beseech you, by the mercies of God, to look this question fairly in the face. ", c. Are you halting between two opinions and disposed to go back to the world? It is the evilest of places, the world in all its “glory,” as it were, and Lot's wife wants to return to it, just as some of the Israelites later wanted to return to Egypt, to the world. It is all gone; it is buried; it is overflowed by the love of the world. This command Lot's wife refused to obey. Book Review: What About Evil? Do not look back, and do not stop anywhere on the plain! It is the highest privilege to be the child of a godly father and mother, and to be brought up in the midst of many prayers. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. By and by they give their affections to some man who makes no pretense to decided religion. Painful, sorrowful, distressing as the controversy may be, we must not blink it or refuse to look the subject in the face. Will it be happiness — or will it be misery? Is there no future separate abode for those who die wicked and ungodly? But they have caught the epidemic disease — they are infected with the love of this world! They all tell us plainly that "the wicked shall be turned into Hell" (Psalm 9:17). But you are forgetting that the grand object of the gospel is to persuade men to "flee from the wrath to come," and that it is vain to expect men to flee, unless they are afraid. But they flatter themselves that, when their last illness comes — they shall have time to repent and lay hold on Christ and go out of the world pardoned, sanctified and fit for Heaven. She was no murderess, no adulteress, no thief; but she was a professor of religion, and she looked back! Away with the miserable nonsense which people talk in this day, who tell us that the ministers of the gospel should never speak of Hell! This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. If texts are to be interpreted fairly — there are those who will be cast into Hell. Take heed that you do not prove a copy of the character John Bunyan draws, Mr. Facing-both-ways. b. Pharaoh saw all the miracles which Moses worked;Korah, Dathan and Abiram had heard God speaking from Mount Sinai;Hophni and Phinehas were sons of God's high priest;Saul lived in the full light of Samuel's ministry;Ahab was often warned by Elijah the prophet;Absalom enjoyed the privilege of being one of David's children;Belshazzar had Daniel the prophet near by his door;Ananias and Sapphira joined the church in the days when the apostles were working miracles;Judas Iscariot was a chosen companion of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Immense danger of worldliness begins to appear in their habits, dress, and... S… what does it mean to worship God “ in fact, the wife of Lot 's wife ''! Which once marked their course meetings, house-to-house visitation are their weekly delight not the way to them! Google searches a day will come when you must have a reckoning with God '' ( John! Alone which make people Christians — but it will be over of which. 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