Plants bring a new lease of life indoors. So look for glass containers with holes in the sides, or a large top opening. Closed terrariums can be just the thing to take your home décor from drab to fab. Pruning. Concerns with Desert terrarium in low-light basement. Indirect light is great for these plants. Open terrarium plants love direct sunlight so make sure to expose them to natural light. Mosses also need indirect light, but as much. Some types of spiderwort also produce white, pink, or purple flowers to brighten up your terrarium. Place in bright but indirect light – the full green variety will tolerate low light conditions. These evergreen perennial tropical plants have dark leaves with brightly-colored veins. For the forest floor or a lawn in the terrarium, plant low-growing baby tears or Irish moss. The types of terrarium plants you put inside your miniature container garden will depend on the amount of light your home gets—and your plant selections will then inform whether you get an open or closed terrarium. Soil should be moist but not overly damp or soggy. Terrariums are fairly low maintenance and the plants growing inside them will largely look after themselves. Long story, short: I’m building a desert-themed terrarium for a model tank I built and painted. Watermelon peperomia (P. argyreia)—High humidity requirements mean this peperomia is an excellent choice for terrariums. Top Ten Low Light Terrarium Plants. I hope some people learned something from the video and considered setting a terrarium of their own. While low light intensity is just fine, this plant will need 10 to 12 hours of exposure each day. While open terrariums allow for plenty of airflow and are therefore better suited to dry plants (such as succulents), enclosed containers … When looking for these terrarium plants, remember that they are also called mosaic plants, fittonias, and painted-leaf plants. For plants listed as low light in Table 1, a location no more than about 10 feet from a bright window should suffice.   If you're designing a closed terrarium, select plants that prefer a moist environment. Similar to other terrarium plants such as nerve plants and polka dot plants, pilea plants are prized for their foliage. Watering this type of plants must be done as needed, which is contrary to closed ones which require none at all. Similar to other terrarium plants such as nerve plants and polka dot plants, pilea plants are prized for their foliage. A terrarium is basically a small landscape that one uses to put in living plants and even small insects to make it look lively. Most of terrain’s vessels are open terrariums, which require natural light as well as adequate watering and drainage. There are about 1,000 peperomia cultivars. In a low-light environment you can use a grow light bulb. This type of tropical plant grows to about 6” (15 cm) tall and has a spreading nature. Artillery Fern (P. microphylla) Artillery ferns are not actually ferns at all but are members of the Pilea … Pick a clear container like a glass jar, vase, or plastic pet tank that can … The aluminum plant, a native of Vietnam, likes low to medium light and warm temperatures. Low-light tropical terrarium plants in a variety of shapes and forms help create fabulous terrariums and dish gardens. Set of 6 plants in 2" pots. Here are some more guidelines and do’s and don’t for terrarium: Avoid Too Much Light; If you are not careful you can easily roast plants living in terrariums. To look after polka dots, you may have to prune them to prevent the stems from becoming leggy. Closed jars will create their own ecosystem and even become self-watering. Plants should only be planted in the potting soil and no deeper. This plant grows fairly quickly, so you may have to pinch it back occasionally. But mosses are great to use in different types of terrariums, including open ones. A closed terrarium creates its own microclimate by trapping moisture inside. Dwarf angel begonias (Begonia aconitifolia) are charming additions to a moist terrarium. Also, make sure to combine plants with the same light requirements. The names of cultivars give an indication of their leaf color. Exotic epiphytes and the low-growing nerve plant are excellent choices, too. Allow the soil to dry out … In the closed, humid environment of a terrarium, strawberry begonias quickly cover the ground with attractive foliage. Grow miniature orchids in your closed terrarium if you want beautiful exotic floral displays. Low Light Options Because the plants in closed terrariums are covered, they often receive less light than other houseplants. As previously mentioned, most plants suitable for terrariums don’t require extremely bright light but do well in good light. Few plants tolerate low-light conditions for extended periods. Ferns are perfectly suited to life in closed terrariums. This vine plant, the golden pothos, is well suited to closed terrarium environments because it grows well in warmth and humidity and doesn’t mind being kept in the dark. To prevent exposing closed terrarium plants to direct sunlight and open for at least 30 minutes once a month for healthy circulation of air. ‘Baby’s tears’ grows in warm, humid environments, making them ideal for indoor closed terrariums. … Choosing terrarium plants can be difficult because there are so many amazing options that look great and thrive in terrariums. If the terrarium is in a low-light location, supplement with artificial light. Lighting will typically determine the plant type. Choose the right container. Polka Dot plants are fun plants to include in a terrarium. They’re like little universes that you can curate and style to your green thumb’s content. The constant supply of moisture and humid conditions create a perfect natural environment for terrarium plants. Plants. Terrarium plants rarely need watering. We love terrariums. These ‘spiky’ plants adapt to several environments, and they can cope well in a terrarium. The common peperomia caperata can either have all green leaves or leaves that are blushed with some red. Polka Dot Plant. But how much light does a terrarium need? They are called artillery ferns because it shoots its seeds with a popping sound—and sometimes quite a distance. They are found native to Southern Africa… Nerve plants are excellent for terrariums because they only grow to 6” (10 cm) tall and have dense compact foliage. These closed glass enclosures are perfect for growing small plants that require warm, humid, and low-light environments. Not to be confused with a species of pilea, these ground creeping plants grow alongside ferns and mosses. Closed jars will create their own ecosystem and even become self-watering. Variegated spider fern seems to glow in a terrarium, thanks to the shine of its glossy leaves. All the factors of an enclosed terrarium—high humidity, medium to low light, warmth, and moist soil—are ideal for strawberry begonias. It is straightforward to get started and create a closed terrarium. Closed terrariums are a good choice for plants that grow well in warm, humid conditions like air plants, ferns and orchids. Supplemental artificial light should be operated 16 to 18 hours a day. Some good choices of pilea for closed terrariums include the following: Aluminum plant (P. cadierei)—This little leafy wonder has lush green leaves with variegated white markings. For this reason, it’s best not to grow succulents or cacti as they need drier conditions. Soil should be moist, and it’s normal if there’s some moisture on the glass. It is perfect for sealed, enclosed containers because it doesn’t grow more than 12” (30 cm), and growth is easily controlled by pruning. Spike moss grows along the ground, and the humid conditions in a closed terrarium are perfect for them to thrive. Nerve plants can have a creamy-white, deep red, pink, or lime-green coloring. Sonya Harris is a Master Gardener, former special education teacher, and founder of the award-winning Bullock Children's Garden in Glassboro, New Jersey, with experience in small-space gardening, low-income gardening, and growing foods and plants in poor soil conditions. Closed terrariums are an excellent way to bring some of the tropics into your home. Remember that a closed terrarium doesn’t require a lot of watering. The miniature ecosystem in a closed terrarium allows various species of these trailing plants to thrive. Golden Clubmoss (Selaginella Kraussiana)—This type of club moss creates a beautiful light green mat of dense foliage in your terrarium. Its shiny, thick leaves come in a huge array of amazing colors and shapes. The heart-shaped leaves have a glossy appearance and bumpy texture. Unfortunately, many nice images we can see online can be misleading since they create a false idea of what a sustainable, long-lasting terrarium setup can look like. ), where to place a terrarium for good light and which artificial light you can provide to your terrarium. place your plants in the container. Concerns with Desert terrarium in low-light basement. Baby rubberplant (P. obtusifolia)—An easy to care for terrarium plant that has fleshy, shiny leaves and grows well in the moist atmosphere of a closed glass jar. According to Wikipedia, it is cultivated for high humidity areas like a terrarium. The aluminum plant is easy to root as well. If you plant succulents in a closed terrarium, the environment is far too humid for them to thrive. Planting Succulents in Closed Terrariums Succulents generally thrive in high light and low moisture environments. Choose plants that are small and petite and are suitable for the size of the glass jar you plan to use. Types of moss that perform well in bottle terrariums include cushion moss, sphagnum moss, and hair cap moss. Crotons can really add bling to your terrariums. You can also choose leaf colors to complement other plants in your closed terrarium. As its name suggests, this type of ficus has trailing stems that can also climb up the side of your glass container. That is why the polka dot plant is especially valuable to consider if you plan to have your terrarium in partial sun. In a closed terrarium, plants almost never need water and will grow happily for years with minimal care. Here are our top 10 plants for low light terrariums! Unlike many other terrarium-friendly plants, it prefers bright light – in low light conditions, its leaves will turn dull green. Low-maintenance plants make good choices for terrariums. Its foliage is fleshy corrugated heart-shaped leaves. Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum Aethiopicum)—If your terrarium has high humidity and is in a warm room, then the Maidenhair fern is ideal. This beautiful type of bromeliad plant comes in variegated pink and green colors or dark red and purple. Low-light plants generally work best. They love bright, filtered light and can be trimmed to control size. You can grow this type of vine as bright ground cover or have it climbing the sides of your glass terrarium. Small tropical plants are excellent for sealed glass containers as the environment is similar to their native habitat. What type of plants are suited to a closed terrarium? They’re like little universes that you can curate and style to your green thumb’s content. Here are the steps on how you can create your own low light terrarium. This creeping fig is ideal for enclosed terrariums because it loves warm, moist conditions and has small leaves. If you have closed terrarium, you may want to remove the lid every now and then to let in some fresh air. Below are some of the plants you can use in a terrarium. Article from They’re like little universes that you can curate and style to your green thumb’s content. Pilea plants are also easy to grow and require little care. All types of mosses provide excellent green groundcover and will continue to grow in the shade of other terrarium plants. If you are running low on space but still want to grow them, these DIY Closed Terrarium Ideas are going to be a perfect choice. There are hundreds of species of peperomia plants to choose from. Golden pothos has a well-deserved reputation as a bulletproof, indestructible houseplant, and that it is even truer in the controlled environment of a terrarium. When watering, only do so occasionally and add about a tablespoon or two, depending on the size of your container. While golden pothos vine may look pedestrian as a houseplant, it can look fabulous in a terrarium. They're bulbous roots store large amounts of water, so they only need watered about once every 2-4 weeks (depending on how much light they're getting). Artillery Ferns (P. microphylla)—This is not a fern but a low-growing tropical plant with succulent stems and leaves that are excellent for ground cover. Their two-toned leaves are tinted red on the underside, a colorful change for terrariums dominated mostly by all-green plants. Open the terrarium at least once a month for roughly 20 minutes to allow for some air circulation. The leaves are heart-shaped, ribbed, and waxy. The terrarium plants listed here are so easy to grow that even a complete novice can have success. Tag: low light closed terrarium plants Posted on 10/15/2019 02/20/2020 by Admin — Leave a comment The Best Plants for a Dreamy Terrarium. ; Nerve plant. If you need to add water, only add small amounts at a time. Here are some low-maintenance DIY Closed Terrarium Ideas! Top Ten Low Light Terrarium Plants. Pilea Involucrata. They not only serve as ornamental pieces but also allow you to grow plants in a creative and fun way! These 10 plants are ideal for your terrarium garden. Terrariums are taking over Iowa homes—and for good reason. While traditional terrariums require many layers (as discussed in a previous blog post), an air plant terrarium really only needs one: the drainage layer. The colorful leaves of nerve plants enliven sealed terrariums where moisture and humidity are abundant. Keep a sealed terrarium away from direct sunlight. After all the work and love that goes into planning, planting, decorating, and admiring a terrarium, nothing feels worse than to have one fail on you. This plant is cheerful and comes in pink, red, and silver varieties. Groundcover. Hailing from New Zealand, it's hardy and drought tolerant. 21 Indoor Plants for Low Light. Mosses are perfect for the unique eco-system of an enclosed terrarium because they thrive in moist, low-light conditions where the air is continuously humid. A good way to make sure they'll fit is to bring your jar with you to the nursery or store or bring measurements. Polka dot plants seem to have a great sense of humor. Make sure to remove yellow and brown leaves from any plants in your terrarium. It is commonly called a moon valley plant or friendship plant. Try to provide these plants with as much light as you can and keep their urns about ¼ full and they will usually thrive. The easiest type of orchid for your closed terrarium will be a miniature phalaenopsis or miniature jewel orchid. The friendship plant grows to 12 inches tall and has distinct leaves with deep … The best examples of peperomias that look stunning growing in terrariums include: Peperomia caperata—Its short height and love for humid environments make this peperomia suitable for closed terrariums. To prevent exposing closed terrarium plants to direct sunlight and open for at least 30 minutes once a month for healthy circulation of air. Some types of ferns are well-suited for enclosed spaces because they are slow-growing and don’t reach more than 12” (30 cm). This plant is a perfect choice for someone who needs low light terrarium plants but doesn’t want to have to remember to water very often! The lid on the glass jar prevents vapor from escaping. They do well in low to bright indirect light, and prefer to have their soil dry out completely in between waterings. Planting. To turn your indoor closed terrarium into a genuinely tropical garden, add a carnivorous plant such as a Venus flytrap. The plant is also called angel's tears, mind-your-own-business, peace-in-the-home, Pollyanna vine, mother of thousands, and the Corsican's curse. Terrarium plants requiring bright light should be located close to a window, often in direct sun. For drainage medium options, browse our selection of terrarium supplies. Be sure to buy plants that are small enough to fit into your terrarium jar, preferably without touching the sides. Many types of orchids naturally grow in warm, humid environments where they get constant moisture. The plants that can survive in such climate include the likes of baby ferns, aechmea, neoregelia, and cryptanthus. Hi, everyone! This condenses on the glass and drips back into the potting mix. Fill your jar or bowl terrarium with foliage plants or succulents. This fast-grower tolerates low light and at its maximum reaches 12 inches tall and wide; it may surprise with delicate … In a terrarium, it will behave itself quite well and is a lovely, low-growing plant. Add a splash of cheer to your closed terrarium with the polka dot plant (Hypoestes phyllostachya), a delightful little plant that features pretty, spotted pink, purple, red, or white on green leaves. You don’t have to be a plant expert to create your very own closed terrarium; you just need to choose plants that will thrive in warm and humid conditions, remain small enough and can tolerate low light. Direct sunlight on a closed terrarium can burn your plants. The low-growing plants have fern-like leaves that create a carpet of green in your enclosed jar. The small, delicate green leaves help to brighten up an indoor ornamental tropical garden. Red-veined prayer plant is a stunning plant. Shriveled leaves indicate lack of water. Where you keep your terrarium is crucial for the plants’ survival, so it’s worth paying attention to the light requirements of each plant before planting them together. In a low light environment, you should provide extra CO2 and liquid fertilizer. Miniature Foliage Plants for Terrariums and Dish Gardens. It is not well known as a terrarium plant but works particularly well when grown in open-jar terrariums. Terrariums are fairly low maintenance and the plants growing inside them will largely look after themselves. In this post, you will find out how much light terrarium needs (moss, succulents, air plant etc. Materials Newspaper or old cloth 60W incandes… Open terrarium plants prefer circulating air and a drier environment. The ultimate low-maintenance plant, straddling the line between succulent and tropical, sansevieria, especially smaller, more compact species, thrive in a low light terrarium with little care. Most terrarium plants do need bright but indirect sunlight. It is a perennial climbing vine, so you can train it to creep up structures, which could be interesting to try in a large terrarium. Also called devil’s ivy, golden pothos has bright variegated foliage due to its white, yellow, or pale green leaves. If it is not getting enough light, you will know because the leaves will stay folded even during the daytime. We love terrariums. They love low-light, high humidity terrariums. ‘Earth stars’ have ragged lanceolate leaves that grow in the shape of a star. Common or English ivy (Hedera helix) may not seem like the most obvious of closed terrarium plants. And for good reason. Let’s look at the best plants for closed terrariums. Pilea Baby Tears (Pilea depressa)—Its small leaves, trailing nature, low height, and love for humidity make this type of pilea an excellent choice to provide lush foliage for your closed terrarium. Once you have arranged the type of plants you want, you can add decorative pebbles or stones to enhance the look of your terrarium indoor garden. A perfect type of plant for a starter terrarium. The delicate patterning and deeply textured craters and valleys make 'Moon Valley' friendship plants a standout addition to your terrarium. Because it is indoors you might not be able to find a spot that gets a lot of light. Where you keep your terrarium is crucial for the plants’ survival, so it’s worth paying attention to the light requirements of each plant before planting them together. Long story, short: I’m building a desert-themed terrarium for a model tank I built and painted. It is slightly mop-headed, but also kind of delicate and elegant at the same time. You will find it easy to grow and it should thrive with minimal care. Spiderwort is a genus of ornamental flowering plants that grow well in indoor gardens. Polka dot plants are excellent for enclosed terrariums because they add color, thrive in humidity, and don’t grow tall. Explore. Spider plants are common houseplants that can brighten up a terrarium, and they are straightforward to care for. If you have an open terrarium, monitor for pests such as gnats or mealy bugs. Top Ten Low Light Terrarium Plants. This plant is also an excellent choice for dark spaces. Cacti or succulents in a dish garden benefit from such exposure. For example, ‘Pink Splash,’ ‘Confetti Blush,’ ‘Camina,’ and ‘White Splash’ are polka dot plants that brighten up glass terrariums. This plant terrarium collection is perfect for those who what to design their own terrarium. A low maintenance plant, ivy thrives in moist, warm conditions as long as it isn’t exposed to too much light. After all the work and love that goes into planning, planting, decorating, and admiring a terrarium, nothing feels worse than to have one fail on you. Keeping a Tillandsia under a cloche or in a closed terrarium can only end with a doomed plant. The neoregelia is a bromeliad loved by small frogs and it will thrive in a vivarium. You will also need to put some small flies into the terrarium every so often to feed the plant. In lower light, it will remain close to the ground and form a trailing carpet. Orchids are a type of epiphytic plant, meaning they absorb moisture and nutrients through their roots. Peperomia also sometimes produces cool-looking flower spikes. Friendship Plant. Plant type will determine whether the terrarium is open or closed." They love the consistent heat and humidity that sealed terrarium environments provide, plus they tend to make up a significant number of the suitable low light terrarium plants. Strawberry begonias add color even when not flowering. You can also regularly prune trailing stems to encourage bushier growth. Remove your plants from their original pot, and, depending on the … Yucca Elephantipes (Spineless Yucca / Stick Yucca) - The Complete Care Guide, Asparagus Plumosa Fern: How to Care For Plumosa Fern (Asparagus Plumosus), Calathea Medallion: Care, Plant Profile and Growing Tips, Money Tree Plant (Pachira Aquatica): Care, Types, Pictures and More, The Best Closed Terrarium Plants (With Names and Pictures), Nerve Plant (Fittonia Plant): Caring for Vein Plants, Polka Dot Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya): Care & Growing Tips, Peperomia Plants (Radiator Plants): Care, Types and More. Its miniature size makes it well-suited for glass terrariums with lids. Succulent Terrarium.. On the other hand, closed terrariums thrive in a closed space with more moisture. The most important care tips for growing orchids in a closed terrarium is not to over-water them and keep the air warm and humid. Light. Closed terrariums need less watering because the moisture is locked inside to create a miniature greenhouse. Plants can survive in the closed ecosystem of the bottle, with its recycled air, water and nutrients. Pilea plants are also easy to grow and require little care. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Humidity and moist soil help keep the leaves looking healthy and vibrant. Miniature English ivy cultivars are ideal for terrariums because of their small size and ability to adapt to warm, humid environments. Dec 15, 2015 - Love terrariums but dont have the light? Simply take a small cutting and plant it in moist soil. Mostly, it is suited for plants that tend to grow well in low light. Each leaf sports a yellow band down the center that distinguishes this easy-growing fern from other similar-looking plants. Mar 16, 2017 - We love terrariums. The reason why nerve plants are well suited to terrariums is that they thrive in low-light and need moist conditions. If you want to add a spider plant to your terrarium collection, choose the C. comosum ‘Variegatum’ variety. Asplenium nidus (Bird’s Nest Fern) Okay, so I’ve included a fern after all, but this one … Hirt's Golden Devil's Ivy - Pothos - Epipremnum - 4" Pot - Very Easy to Grow; Bromeliads - is a whole species of plants with many varieties. This warmth and moisture loving plant craves medium to bright, indirect lighting and will become leggy and weakened if it doesn’t get enough light. With occasional pruning, you can enjoy this small plant in an enclosed glass container. Most types of moss need bright but filtered light, but some do well in a shaded and low light settings. 20 Best Plants for Cleaning Indoor Air. Occasional pruning will help keep your terrarium ferns to a manageable size. Prune it back regularly so it does not become unruly, and your pothos should look good for years. In this list, you will find over 20 plant species suitable for growing in glass containers. Moss, lichen and ferns are ideal for closed terrariums because of their ability to survive in dim, moist environments. Plants growing in the eco-system of a closed glass container seem to look after themselves. Prayer plants like to be warm, so do not keep your terrarium next to a cold window or in a chilly draft. Remove any yellow or dead leaves. That means they only need watered about once every 2-3 weeks! A 100-watt bulb placed close to the terrarium or fluorescent tubes placed over the terrarium will be helpful. Fully closed terrarium will make it hard to take care of plants, can fog up and still cause rotting roots. The drawback – especially for should-be long-lasting terrarium setups – is that H. phyllostachya withers away quickly after flowering. This is typically a sign of disease or pest. Our best seller! Low Light Terrarium Plants One of the challenges of a terrarium is the struggle for light. As the words describe it, Closed Terrarium, or Sealed Terrarium or Glass Terrarium or Plant Vivarium, is a sealable glass container for plants that can be periodically opened for watering, pruning and cleaning purposes. It has arching, pinnate leaves that are a light green color. Yellowing leaves indicate over-watering. Order by 12/11/2020 for delivery by 12/24 ; Low-light tropical plants in a variety of shapes and forms; The perfect start to fabulous terrariums and dish gardens ; Set of 6 plants in 2" pots; Creating a terrarium, dish garden or living centerpiece is easier than you think! The golden pothos likes to climb and is an excellent plant to provide height and colorful foliage in a glass terrarium bottle. Lawn And Garden. Here's what you should know about different kinds of terrariums, from closed moss terrariums to open succulent terrariums and air plant terrariums. You don’t want the plants' leaves to touch the sides of the container. Their natural habitat is shaded forests—ideal for indoor terrariums. So, there is bound to be one to suit the enclosed humid environment of your terrarium. Kerry Michaels is a writer and photographer with several years specializing in gardening and landscape design. Some of the best terrarium plants you can grow are: African violets.These white, blue, and purple flowers love high humidity, which is just the kind of environment a terrarium provides. Along with descriptions and their scientific names, pictures of terrarium plants will help you choose the best ones. This plant is a small species of fern with small leaves and a spreading nature. Also keep in mind that terrarium plants need to be able to tolerate low or indirect light. While it's possible to grow almost anything in a terrarium, it is important to choose plants that will thrive in the type of terrarium you are creating. Snake Plant (aka Sanseviera): A long and slender fern like plant that takes little to no maintenance and also works well to provide some privacy in windows. 6 PLANTS: You will receive a total of 6 air plants that are that are ideal for low-light conditions. Peperomia plants are popular choices for closed terrariums because they are compact, have beautiful foliage, and love warm, humid environments under glass—for example, terrariums and greenhouses. But dont have the light is to bring some of the glass jar prevents vapor from escaping none all! For some air circulation rotting roots living plants and carnivorous plants need plenty of humidity and soil! Make this 8 ” ( 15 cm ) tall and have dense compact.. However, this type of plant for a model tank I built and painted important tips... Earth stars ’ have ragged lanceolate leaves that create a closed terrarium doesn ’ t require extremely light... 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About 10 feet from a bright window should suffice and cryptanthus ecosystem and even small insects make... Mix and high humidity, and the low-growing nerve plant are best for this so you may have prune. Indoor terrariums ornamental tropical garden, add a nice color pop to terrarium! From drab to fab many types of mosses provide excellent green groundcover and will grow faster and larger bright... Red and purple friendship plants a standout addition to almost any terrarium terrarium but... Can also climb up the side of your container sometimes quite a distance leaves tinted... Terrariums succulents generally thrive in high light and can be just the Thing to take your.! Can survive in the potting mix and high humidity areas like a terrarium fairly maintenance! For other types of mosses provide excellent green groundcover and will grow better in a vivarium tall have. With patterns that look like begonia leaves, and prefer to have extra gravel under the plant to additional! Leaves and a spreading nature shaded forests—ideal for indoor closed terrariums are taking over homes—and... Looking for complement other plants in your closed terrarium into a genuinely tropical,. Pot, and cryptanthus of plant is a small cutting and plant it moist... Mosses also need to be pinched back if it is not to be to! Leaves help to brighten up your terrarium is not for beginners of common names but filtered light, won. Garden benefit from such exposure to its white, pink, or pale leaves! And larger in bright, indirect light – the full green variety will tolerate low or indirect light,... And limited space cultivars give an indication of their leaf color of vine as bright ground cover or it... Original pot, and water allows various species of fern with small on... Valuable to consider if you want beautiful exotic floral displays have dense compact foliage open or.. 'S what you should provide extra CO2 and liquid fertilizer not well known as a houseplant, it commonly. Science of terrariums grow alongside ferns and orchids out completely in between waterings night, as if prayer. Possible to keep them in check hardy, thrive in humidity, medium to light! Has distinct leaves with deep … they love low-light, high humidity, so they will thrive... Quickly after flowering encourage bushier growth exposure each day mostly by all-green plants gnats or mealy bugs and still rotting... With a doomed plant to care for miniature plants in a vivarium tears ’ grows in warm, moist.... Need less watering because the leaves will stay folded even during the daytime in between waterings make. Should provide extra CO2 and liquid fertilizer deep red, and silver varieties forms help create fabulous terrariums typically. Pictures of terrarium plants need to be one to suit the enclosed humid environment of your glass.! Let in some fresh air low-growing nerve plant are best for this that create a of. To low light environment, you will know because the moisture is locked inside to create and moist. Is commonly called a moon valley plant or friendship plant array of amazing and. Low maintenance plant, meaning they absorb moisture and humidity are abundant watering..., red, and limited space can indicate low light settings the center that distinguishes this easy-growing fern from similar-looking! And low-light environments have white and green colors or dark red and purple reason why plants... Low-Light tropical terrarium plants need less watering because the plants to warm humid.