Like a balance sheet, it shows the snapshot of the accounting records on a specific date. Trial Balance is the report of accounting in which ending balances of different general ledger of the company are and is presented into the debit/credit column as per their balances where debit amounts are listed on the debit column and credit amounts are listed on … What Does Trial Balance Mean? Definition of Trial Balance A trial balance is an internal report that remains in the accounting department. The trial balance is an accounting report or worksheet, mostly for internal use, listing each of the accounts from the general ledger together with their closing balances (debit or credit).. The trial balance lists all of the accounts in the general ledger and their balances (or all of the accounts that have balances). The balances of these ledgers are put into debit or credit account lists on the trial balance … A trial balance is a listing of the ledger accounts and their debit or credit balances to determine that debits equal credits in the recording process. The trial balance sums up all the debit balances in one column and all the credit balances in another column. A trial balance is a list and total of all the debit and credit accounts for an entity for a given period – usually a month. At this point in the bookkeeping process, the trial balance sheet is still a work in progress. A trial balance is a list of all the balances in the nominal ledger accounts. It serves as a check to ensure that for every transaction, a debit recorded in one ledger account has been matched with a credit in another. Definition: A trial balance is a list of all general ledger accounts and their balances at a point in time. Preparing and adjusting trial balances aid in the preparation of accurate financial statements. The trial balance is a report that lists the balances of all the individual T-accounts of the general ledger at a specific point in time.. A trial balance is a quick accuracy check of a company’s finances. A working trial balance of a company is the trial balance sheet being worked with while adjustments are being made. This is perhaps one of the simplest steps of the accounting cycle as it just requires the bookkeeper to compile the separate balances into one report. Trial balance plays an essential tool to check the arithmetical accuracy of posting of ledger accounts, assist the accountant to prepare the financial statements, and proceed with audit adjustments, etc. Because every credit entry to a company’s account must have an offsetting debit entry elsewhere, the total credits from all ledger accounts must equal the total debits from all accounts. In essence, it’s summary of all of the t-account balances in the ledger. A trial balance is an accounting report that denotes the balances of a company's ledgers. The format of the trial balance is a two-column schedule with all the debit balances listed in one column and all the credit balances listed in the other. There are three types of trial balances: the unadjusted trial balance, the adjusted trial balance and the post- closing trial balance.All three have exactly the same format. The trial balance is a list of all the accounts a company uses with the balances in debit and credit columns.